AWI SERVICES (INDIA) PVT.LTD. is into the field of Analytical instrumentation since last 15 years.
We are group of specialist from various fields striving to achieve excellence in quality.
Our Gas Chromatograph is developed with assistance of IIT-Mumbai.
The motto of MEPL is quality products. The products developed by us have very less failure rate.
We give equal importance to the after-sales-service which has been our strength. This has helped us in getting repeat orders from the multinational clients.
We provide custom solutions for complex separations. The range of our analysers / analyzer address many applications in chemical, bulk drug, pharmaceutical and gas industry. |
Products : |
The AWI SERVICES (INDIA) PVT.LTD. LPG 201 is used for the analysis of hydrocarbons in Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG).
We provide custom solutions for complex separations, data manipulation processing. The range of our analysers address many application areas in the gas industry.
LPG 201 is suited for the analysis of all components in the LPG. The analyser is developed on the guidelines of ASTM D 2163/IP264/72(79) hence Thermal Conductivity Detector is used. |
Binary Gas Analyzers / Analyser
Binary Gas Analyser is used for on-line indication of gas mixtures like Argon-Nitrogen, Argon-Helium, Argon-Hydrogen, Argon-Carbondioxide or any other combination.
Thermal Conductivity Detector is used. Change over valve for sample and reference gases. Needle valves and Rotameters for flow control.
The analyser has Digital Display with resolution of 0.1% Zero & Span control for calibration to get direct read out of % Option for % or mAmps indication TCD filament control with overload protection for safety. |
Dedicated Analyzers / Analyser
Natural Gas Analyser
Flue Gas Analyser
Dissolved Gas Analyser for Transformer Oil |
GC Gas Chromatography Analysis Accessories
All types of Pneumatic fittings / Fitting
Gas Sampling Valves / Valve
- manual
- auto
Capillary column / Packed columns / Glass columns / Syringes / Syringe cleaner / Septum
Flow controllers / controller / Gas filter stations / station |