Deals in a variety of clutches & brakes Parts and also engage in repairing and rebuilding brake assemblies. Bonded Press Plate, Brake Blocks, Brake Bands, Brake Linings, Brake Pads, Brake Plates, Brakes (Dry Type), Brakes (Wet Type), Brake Shoes, Clutch Cover Assembly, Clutch Disc, Clutch Facings, Clutch Plates, Clutch Set, Electromagnetic Clutches, Forging Machine Clutches, Friction Counter Plates, Industrial Brake Linings, Industrial Clutches, Industrial Clutch Plates, Machinery Brake & Clutches, Marine Clutches & Brake Linings, Multi Disc Brake, Pneumatic Drum Brakes & Clutches, Tractor Clutches, Woven Metallic Roll, Power Generation Machinery Clutch.