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Pickling Lines Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters


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SURFACE INNOVATORS LLP has been serving the Stainless Steel Industry with their chemicals for Pickling and Passivation of Stainless Steel for over two decades. It has become a symbol of trust for most of the stainless steel industry today. The promoters Mr. Anish Shah and Mrs. Anushree Kulkarni have graduated from Mumbai University and are qualified DIPloma holders in electroplating and marketing which has given the organization a boost in terms of knowledge & expertise. The chemicals used traditionally were hazardous and not up to the mark in terms of finishing, quality and also not meeting the standards for cleaning stainless steel. The scope for new products was abundant and to cater this, promoters joined hands to form SIPL to introduces a revolutionary Pickling and Passivation Chemicals called for the Stainless Steel Industry. These chemicals are safe and served the purpose of making the stainless steel shine and also meet the stringent international quality & environmental standards specifications.
Manufacturers of K-2 Pickling Pastes, K-2 Pickling Spray, K-2 Pickling Dips, K-2 Pickling Duplo,K-2 Passivation, K-2 Carbochem, K-2 SSA, K-2 400 Series, K-2 Chemicals, Bio Passive Chemicals,Stainless Steel Cleaning Chemicals, Surface Finishing Chemicals, Weld Cleaners, Solvent Weld Cleaners, Spot Welding Cleaners, Stainless Steel Surface Finishing Chemicals, Weld Scale Removers, Weld Seam Cleaners, Heatmark Remover Cleaners, Pickling Chemicals For Duplex Stainless Steel, Duplex Weld Cleaners, Annealing Colours, Corrosion Resistance, Stainless Steel Fabrication, Heat Treatment Scales, Passive Surface, Pickling Chemical Manufacturer, Stainless Steel Weld Joint Cleaning, Stainless Surface Cleaners, Weld Scale And Rust Remover K-2 , Passivation Of Food Processing Machinery, Weld Cleaning Gel, Pickling Chemical Exporter, Pickling Process, Passivation Chemicals For Pharma Equipments, Passivation Chemicals For Dairy Equipments, Passivation Chemicals For Food Processing Equipments, Corrosion Remover, Oxide Scale Remover, Ferritic Contamination, Spot Welding Cleaners, Stainless Steel Cleaning Chemcials, Plating, Electroplating Chemicals, Silver Plating Chemicals, Stainless Polishing, Stainless Steel Polishing, Tin Plating, Pickling Stainless Steel Welds, Electro Polishing Of Stainless Steel, Pickling And Passivation on Duplex and Super Duplex Stainless Steel, Desalination plants, Heat Exchanger, Pressure Vessels.
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