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Flameproof Indicators Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters


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Starting the millennium with a vision to provide the customers with the best value for money products in our field. Coupling our vast theoretical knowledge with years of practical experience, we intend to create products specifically designed for easy operation and high reliability using the latest technological and cost effective approach. To achieve this, we have created a wide range of instruments from simple temperature indicators to complex microcontroller based scanners all at a reasonable price without compromising on the functionality and reliability of the product. Our family of products consists of: Temperature related instruments like Indicators, Single set point controllers, Two/Four set point controllers, transmitters, Temp. Sensors, Scanners Flame Proof Indicators and Controllers, Maxthermo make PID controllers etc. and general purpose instruments like Timers, Counters and Length meters, Cyclic Timers. In addition, we have developed customized instruments like, Temperature controller and Soak timer coupled in one unit (Temp-Time), RH-cum-Temperature controller, Process controller Profile Controllers, etc
Temperature Controllers, Process Control Instruments, Indicators, Timers, Transmitters, PIDs, Portable Indicators, Temperature Sensors, Instrumentation Cable, Flame Proof Equipments, Jumbo 4 Display Indicator, Length Meters, Portable Indicators, Profile Controllers.
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