Gaugewel Pistol Calipers, Direct Reading Instruments, Comparators, Direct Reading Dial Gauge, Mumbai, India


Gaugewel Pistol Calipers

Measuring instruments can be divided into two groups.
A) Direct reading Instruments B) Comparators

Direct Reading Instruments measuring from zero do not need a setting master.In direct reading instruments ensure correct initial position of both pointers e.g. In a gauge with measuring range 0 to 50 mm both pointers will start from zero. However in gauges with measuring range 50 to 100 mm e.g. model 540 - 50, the small pointer starts from 5 and big pointer starts from zero as shown below.

Gaugewel Pistol Calipers, Direct Reading Instruments, Comparators, Direct Reading Dial Gauge, Mumbai, India Gaugewel Pistol Calipers, Direct Reading Instruments, Comparators, Direct Reading Dial Gauge, Mumbai, India

This initial reading in such instruments should be always be verified using the master supplied along with the instrument.All our 540 series type gauges are direct reading instruments.

The comparator gauge is set on a setting master to the dimension required to be measured and the component checked there after. This gauge setting invales the adjustment of the dial to zero, corresponding to the return position of the pointers.

In Our range the seat diameter gauges, spigot diameter gauges, inter collopsibe gauges & groove gauges are comparator types of gauges, for which the setting masters have to be procured separately.

accompanying catlogues show our standard models which cover most engineering components. However with some components it is not possible to apply the standard models. In such cases we supply specially designed sead gauges. Enquiry for special gauges accompanied by the nessessory drawing may be forwared to us.

Gaugewel Pistol Calipers, Direct Reading Instruments, Comparators, Direct Reading Dial Gauge, Mumbai, India
Gaugewel Pistol Calipers
Gaugewel Pistol Calipers Gaugewel Pistol Calipers
Sr. No. Model No. Range Size Of Master
1 540mm 0 - 50 mm NO MASTER REQUIRED
2 540 - 50mm 50 - 100 mm 500 mm
3 540 - 100mm 100 - 150 mm 100 mm
4 540 - 150mm 150 - 200 mm 150 mm