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Ayurvedic Medicines, Panchakarma, Thai Massage, Nanal Ayurvedic Clinic, Mumbai, India.

About Nanal Ayurvedic Clinic
The Nanal Tradition is more than 110 years old in the field of Ayurved.

Nanal family and Ayurved have a strong bond of 4 generations.

Till date, patients from all over the world have taken treatment for various serious ailments, under this system.

"Nanals" are family physicians for a few hundred families for generations.

We are mainly active in Maharashtra state (India) and are located at Mumbai, Pune & Konkan.

The NANAL AYURVED CLINIC in Mumbai is more than 55 years old.
Nanal Ayurvedic Clinic, Mumbai
Address : 102, Anand Bhuvan, Gore Wadi, Mogal Lane, Mahim (W), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, Pin Code 400016
Working : Monday to Saturday (Sunday closed)
Time : Morning - 10.00 am to 1.30 pm | Evening - 6.00 pm to 8.30 pm Mob. No.: +91-22-24371845
Website: www.nanalayurved.com
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