------------ About us ------------- |
Minivac branded Vacuum Pumps are manufactured by Shree siddhi Vinayak Industries in their well equiped factory in Mumbai.
Minivac Vacuum Pumps are patronized in the market by the original equipment manufacturers as well as the endusers for their quality which is the result of our experience in this field over a decade. Our constant R&D has made our product more perfect in all respects to give rated performance, absolute trouble free running throughout its long usage. The stringent quality control at all stages right from procurement of raw materials and bought out items, as a result of which our customers are assured of the quality product from Minivac.
Our experienced team of service engineers is always on their toes to offer after sales service all over India, which assures all our valued customers minimum down time and minimum production loss.
Minivac Vacuum Pumps are designed, Developed and manufactured to suit to every need of the Industry. This enables our customers to choose most suitable model and type from our wide range of pumps manufactured by us. Please refer to the range of products given overleaf for your ready reference and selections.
Plot No.19, Kashimira Industrial Estate, Behind Kashimira Police Station, Off Western Express Highway,
Post.Mira, Dist.Thane - 401104, Maharashtra, INDIA
Telefax : +91-22-28457073 / 28458372 |
Websites: www.minivacpumps.com | www.vacuumcleanerindia.com | www.oilfreevacuumpumps.com |